Here is new positives I have found....
1) We can travel! I mean we are only 4 hours from nashville 5 hours from jacksonville Fl (Cruises) and super close to Myrtle beach too!
2) There is more people here so that equals more autism which equals more work for me!
3) Shaun gets a free MBA
4) Tons of places to fish and camp around.
5) Our little apartment can feel like home once we decorate it and stuff.
6) We can buy a extremely nice house once we figure out where were going to grad school (housing market is SUPER cheap here).
7) So many fun Concerts!
I can only think of seven, I did try to get to ten I PROMISE!
Anyway, truth is that even though i wont have a horse or a house or a field for a long long time I can do the city life. Its a change but its doable.
Oh, and we went to utah this last weekend. Not the best thing for a recovering complainer. But it was awesome!
Heres a tiny recap.
6:45 P.m. Get on a plane here in ATL
9:36 p.m. Arrive at SLC airport
9:40 p.m. Levi and Crystal pick us up
12:30 p.m. Arrive in Roosevelt Utah
12:35 p.m. Bang on the door, scare jetson, say suprise
9:30 A.m. Wake up
10:00 a.m. head to Shaun's parents house
10:05 a.m. Surprise the rest of the family!
10:30-12:30 Play with little Ansley while Shaun goes to fix semi
1:00 p.m. went to Jetsons farewell dinner
3:00 went back to help fix semi
**** I drove one of these!*****
9:00 pm Watched avengers and feel asleep
8:00 a.m. Woke up
8:45 a.m. Scrambled to find Shaun church pants... kinda forgot those.. oops.
9:05 a.m. Slightly late to Jetsons talk
9:30 a.m. Listened to a WONDERFUL talk by ELDER Jetson "Toad" Allred!
10:45 a.m Ate Wheat pancakes...yum....
1:30 p.m headed out to SLC to be dropped off.
5:15 p.m. Wheels up- destination Georgia
10:30 p.m Arrive
1:00 a.m. Arrive to our apartment
6:30 a.m. Shaun wakes up for work
9:00 a.m. Syd wakes up to do "homework" work.
Just because he's a cop and is eating a doughnut.. not really that funny but.. still took the picture.