Georgia is getting better. I'm getting better more like it. Things have really started to fall in to place and made this whole not complaining thing much easier. Usually. I miss family but I really really love being out here with just Shaun and I. It has made me realize that Shaun really is my best friend.. aside from Ashley of course. Really though, he is! I always have a buddy I can go do things with and someone that is up for all the wild adventures I come up with. And a buddy that will take me out to the "country" so I can get away from the confining city. He's a great best friend!
Since our 3 months we are more or less getting kicked out of our temporary (free) housing. Dang right? Shaun's company payed for us to live here (not sure if I already mentioned this or not) for 3 months while we figured out the area and what we were going to do. It was really nice but we are super excited to live somewhere and have our own stuff. We move to a different apartment on the 29/30th and I'm getting quite antsy. I cant wait to buy pans that actually cook and not burn and knifes that can cut a piece of bread. Speaking of.. if you have any opinion of what we should buy that is somewhat affordable we welcome them! Never bought pans before... such a big step...kidding.
Any way, what have we been up to? LOTS... always!
We bought a big thing of strawberries and made some jam. Great to have jam for awhile but... our freezer doesn't exactly allow 15 jars of jam along with everything else to be stored easily.
We also bought six flags tickets. We really like it other than the fact that the lines are end up being about 2 hours long towards the afternoon! 2 hours... like I have the patience for that. So we decided to go again this last weekend but ended up only riding one ride. We tried to ride 2 but we went to get on and they told us the ride is broken. FREAK! Six flags ain't our friend thats all I have to say. We did have fun watching the looney toones shake it at a dance party though.
We also went to a BRAVES game. Honestly, not all that exciting. It was fun but nothing like a good rodeo or intense football game. But we got tickets to go to the AGCO box and honestly who would pass up free MLB tickets especially when you get your own private box too!
But, the game did get exciting when this beast took a trip around the diamond.. I was instantly excited and happy and giddy, and in love, and... oh i love loud, fast cars!
Another night we decided to go to AGCO to look at the tractors. I ended up getting an in depth but crash course lesson about all the features Massy, Fendt, and Challenger have to offer. Then I got to sit on the ugliest utility tractor known to man...
And this little cutie is one of the boys I nanny. He is 4 and such a chunk. Him and his older brother (6) are awesome boys. I hope I get to work with them still! (Given I start part time at the Autism Hospital May 8th)
A guy that Shaun works with mentioned the other day that we are ALWAYS doing something! It's so true. We never ever stay in on the weekends. This weekend... Were going to a Rodeo, The Bodies Exhibit, and MOVING! geesh..
Oh P.s. My little brother got his call last night! Mexico City! WHOOO! I'm so excited that he gets to learn spanish! August 21st he's otta here!