Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My bad.

My bad is right... Sorry family (and friends).

I could say that we have been super busy but aren't we all? I've decided that saying were to busy is a lame excuse. EVERY ONE is busy. And you truly can make time for what ever you need to. There are those days (or weeks) where this are jammed packed to the point that you feel that you can breathe but maybe those are the times we need to say yes to that one thing a friend, neighbor, or family member asked. So yes, we are extremely busy but who cares? It's great to be busy! And using it as an excuse will get us no where...

Ok on to what we have been busy doing!

As many of you know we decided to by a house! Last year we put an offer on an adorable little green home but more or less got cold feet. So when February hit we realized that our rental contract was up and started playing with the number and realized that it was a MUCH better option for us to buck up and buy a home. So... we did! We love it! Its a 4 bed 2.5 bath so there is plenty of room for us to grow. Plus we have a yard! We were so excited for a yard and to put a fire pit out back but I'm pretty sure thats against the HOA rules... dang, right?

Here is a few pictures.
Kitchen Area

We'll get some more pictures once were able to actually go over and get into the house! We closed last week but sadly haven't been able to spend more than a few minutes there. I'll explain why later....

So buying the house was fun and even though it took a little time to get everything set up and making sure we got all the forms to the right people the process was so easy! I was shocked. We had some great guys behind us helping us through the whole process! 

We have a few plans to make the house "ours", we are going to lay wood flooring throughout the main floor, paint to get rid of a few [weird] colors and then of course I have dozens of furniture ideas I want shaun to build. First of a desk then these bookshelves... 
I showed Shaun this thinking that it would be a bit too difficult and he responded "no thats a super simple design- we can easily do that" Alrighty then! 

Oh on the topic of building things.. Last week I decided that I wanted to go for a run on this little city trail thats about 5 minutes from our apartment well sometime during that I dropped my keys..out of my hand and didn't notice. Not sure how it happened but they are very  much gone. Well of course i needed a new key for the house so i sent Shaun to HomeDepot to get a couple made... this is what he came home with...
He was so excited we had to set it up right away. It was pretty fun to do and I loved seeing Shaun fall in love all over again...with a big 12in, dual bevel, sliding compound miter saw WITH a laser! 

Speaking of Shaun... He is in his last week of the quarter so that brings another level of stress and tests into our home. He has been studying nonstop getting ready for these finals and also working a bit of overtime to keep up on some projects he has been put in charge of recently. He is one hard working guy i'll tell you what. There must be something to that raising boys on a dairy farm because all these Allred's know how to work and don't quit till the job is done. I truly admire it! 

I have just been doing the good ol' school deal and  luckily found a grad program that will be starting come January! Some how we always feel like we have something we need to do. We don't really sit around here.. My dad asked me a few weeks ago what the last movie I saw was and I truly have no idea! Kinda sad! But we do other things for fun like pulling the extra mattress into the front room for a sleepover! 
Because it was the extra even Toby was allowed to lay and sleep next to us. I loved it! Simple things right?

Simple things like my best friend and our best friend that happens to have pointy ears and 4 legs...these two make living in the city quite enjoyable!