Aside from having Carter, the last month has been a bit crazy in this household. We have had pretty much a non-stop flow of visitors and even threw in a graduation to the mix. That's right, Shaun walked for his MBA! He still has one more module till he is officially done but the walking ceremony showed us that there is light at the end of the tunnel! We're both getting anxious for school to be done so we can [hopefully] relax a bit. The two years we've been married I feel like it has been a constant state of chaos in some ways, and were ready for a break! Seeing Shaun walk was so fun, i'm constantly amazed by his work ethic and overall just how great of a guy he is! While at his ceremony there were many people who stopped us to gawk at Carter and say how exciting of a time it must be for us. They were right, we have some AMAZING things going on in our life and were so grateful.
Shaun also surprised me while we were at his ceremony by ordering my graduation package from Utah State. He really wanted me to walk but I wasn't to keen on the idea, and then when we found out when Carter would be coming I thought I was off the hook. But, Shaun wasn't letting me not celebrate some how. Even though I was a bit embarrassed when Shaun pulled out the gear I was very thankful to him. He has ALWAYS supported me in whatever I'm doing and makes sure I feel appreciated. It truly was an amazing, touching, perfect day in Athens. Having Shaun and I both dressed in our gowns and holding baby carter was a great way to see all our recent accomplishments as a couple.
Since becoming a mom i'm shocked how fast the days go by, but yet I have no idea what I do all day. I thought being a stay and home mom would be boring but for right now, boring is the last thing it is! I feel busier now than I did when I was working and going to school. I've also learned that being a mom is pretty easy, well I guess it comes easily. There are stressful times... like when the kid screams for 3 hours straight, that sucks. But overall its pretty simple. Like Shaun's good friend kept telling us.."they're pretty dummy proof, really". Shaun also has taken on the role of "dad" with ease. Him and Carter already have a bond that is easy to recognize. He also has the magic touch of getting him to fall asleep. One night, I was up for a couple hours fighting to get Carter back to sleep, I decided I needed a break and went and woke up Shaun. The second I handed Carter over he was out.... What the heck?! Stinking baby.
Shaun has finally reached the point he can breathe at work. The last 2 months have been extremely busy to the point that Shaun has had to stay up into the early hours of the morning to try and keep up. I think for the first time in a month he came home from class last night (at 10) and was able to go to sleep instead of putting in another couple hours of work or homework. It's been rough. For one of his classes he had to come up with a product and create a business plan then pitch it to potential investors (real investors). His group decided on pitching the idea of socks that have a small magnet in them so they stay together in the wash. Pretty smart. He presents the idea this next week, so wish him luck- maybe we will become millionaires off of these "Sole Mate" socks.
Oh and here is Carters 1 month update!
Happy Reading Folks, We love you!
Shaun also surprised me while we were at his ceremony by ordering my graduation package from Utah State. He really wanted me to walk but I wasn't to keen on the idea, and then when we found out when Carter would be coming I thought I was off the hook. But, Shaun wasn't letting me not celebrate some how. Even though I was a bit embarrassed when Shaun pulled out the gear I was very thankful to him. He has ALWAYS supported me in whatever I'm doing and makes sure I feel appreciated. It truly was an amazing, touching, perfect day in Athens. Having Shaun and I both dressed in our gowns and holding baby carter was a great way to see all our recent accomplishments as a couple.
Since becoming a mom i'm shocked how fast the days go by, but yet I have no idea what I do all day. I thought being a stay and home mom would be boring but for right now, boring is the last thing it is! I feel busier now than I did when I was working and going to school. I've also learned that being a mom is pretty easy, well I guess it comes easily. There are stressful times... like when the kid screams for 3 hours straight, that sucks. But overall its pretty simple. Like Shaun's good friend kept telling us.."they're pretty dummy proof, really". Shaun also has taken on the role of "dad" with ease. Him and Carter already have a bond that is easy to recognize. He also has the magic touch of getting him to fall asleep. One night, I was up for a couple hours fighting to get Carter back to sleep, I decided I needed a break and went and woke up Shaun. The second I handed Carter over he was out.... What the heck?! Stinking baby.
Shaun has finally reached the point he can breathe at work. The last 2 months have been extremely busy to the point that Shaun has had to stay up into the early hours of the morning to try and keep up. I think for the first time in a month he came home from class last night (at 10) and was able to go to sleep instead of putting in another couple hours of work or homework. It's been rough. For one of his classes he had to come up with a product and create a business plan then pitch it to potential investors (real investors). His group decided on pitching the idea of socks that have a small magnet in them so they stay together in the wash. Pretty smart. He presents the idea this next week, so wish him luck- maybe we will become millionaires off of these "Sole Mate" socks.
Oh and here is Carters 1 month update!
Happy Reading Folks, We love you!