Carter is an AWESOME traveler. Most of the time he sleeps on the flights but on the way back to Georgia he decided he didn't want to sleep anymore so we just played with random little toys and "read" books. It was enough to keep him pretty entertained and quite. However, he is one crazy little mover. He is ALWAYS moving which makes me scared for the day when he actually becomes mobile. By the end of the flight he was pretty sick of sitting so we just put him on the floor and he ran his little marathon until he was ready for a nap. We have to do the same thing at church too.
This last week we decided to head down to ATL and see one of the preseason falcons games. We found tickets for super cheap about an hour before the game started so we jumped up and went! It was super fun, I actually really like football I just haven't had time to really get into it lately. I also feel like a bit of a poser, so we just are quiet fans that dont bring it up around other for fear we will look like idiots. The falcons game was actually a pretty good one but... having Carter there was quite distracting. I think I was able to watch maybe 3 plays the entire game. Oh and Carter is quite a fan too he squealed the ENTIRE game. Not sure how he had enough air to do that!
Shaun work and life schedule is still pretty busy. He still is traveling quite a bit. Next week I guess he will be going to Tennessee and then September he will only be home for one of the weeks. LAME! In September he will be at the Farm progress show standing in front of a little tractor talking about how cool it is. Sadly he's not too excited since its not a "big" one. Speaking of big tractors have you seen the new Fendt? HOLYYYY huge. I think Shaun would pee or cry (maybe both) if he was able to drive one.
For me, i'm just being a mom. I'm still trying to get use to the life of doing the same thing everyday. I REALLY miss working. I also miss school. I started my masters then we decided to put it off till we find out where our life is headed, since it cost lots of monies and stuff. I know its best for me to stay home with Carter and our other future kiddos so I dont get too worked up by it. However i was looking at doctorate degrees last night haha... i'm trying!
As for Carter, well he is changing and developing like crazy! Shaun and I were talking about it just last night how this is such a fun stage. We honestly HATED the newborn days, Carter was a rough kid. But now he's pretty great. I feel like everyday he's doing something new. He is quite the social bug and loves smiling and anyone who will say hi. He also giggles all day everyday. Today our dryer got off balance and sounded like it was taking off, Carter thought that was hilarious! Thanks to our trip to the Falcons game and a cup of dippin dots, we found that he is more than ready to eat baby foods. He's not a fan. He would way rather suck on a fry or a dried mango than eat that nasty pureed stuff. We did get him to eat bananas last night though, so that was a plus. We've also had a rough few nights since he learned to roll over. He thinks he wants to sleep on his stomach then get sick of it and forgets he can roll back to his back. He also get aggravated that his arms keep getting stuck between the slats so we have literally been chasing him all over his crib the last few nights. But its ok because he is my only child which means i can still sneak in a nap during the day... and trust me, I do!