A few weeks ago he was approached about moving to hay rather than high horse power tractors. The "hay guy" had accepted a job in the field and they(AGCO) needed someone that knew something about hay. Like many of you know Shaun grew up on a pretty big dairy and part of that was raising their own feed for the cows. Thus, he knows hay. He feels pretty good about changing products because he is more familiar in someways with the hay products and enjoys is just as much! He however is having to learn how to trust himself and take charge of some really big decisions. He feels like he's still too young and too new to the corporate world to make these type of decisions but he is doing great and starting to feel like he's getting the hang of it! Its been really interesting to see how Shaun's mentality about making decisions and being more assertive has changed the last month. I'm actually really proud of him. He's doing really well! Sadly all this means some crazy work days and crazy travel schedules. I thought his time would free up once he finished his MBA and in someways it has, But.... I think I see him less now, geesh. busy man. Its fine though, he's working hard doing great and providing a pretty amazing life for us! So I don't complain too much.... ha.
This last month we were able to head out to Utah for Ariell's wedding. Would you believe that I literally only took 1 picture the whole time we were out there? oops. Shaun was traveling that week so I headed out early to spend some time with Shaun's family. Especially since his sister was there from Costa Rica! After a few days of hanging around we kicked it into high gear on Thursday and headed up to Logan for the wedding. Carter and I were the lucky ones that got to ride in the truck with Shaun's parents. It was a great ride until Carter started having a FIT. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was going on, it was intense. Then it happened. Throw up EVERYWHERE. Shaun's dad about drove off the rode when he heard Carter violate his poor truck. I hurried and got Carter out and started to undress him while we pulled into gas station. I should have waited, lets just say it very much came out both ends. Stinking Kid. literally. Why does that always happen in those type of situations? So disgusting.
Anyway, we got up to logan and immediately started setting up the reception. about an hour in I was DYING for food, well more like DYING for road house rolls and begged Shaun to come up with a way we could all go. Luckily it didn't take much convincing of his dad and we were all headed on our way. We made up for it by staying up till the wee hours of the morning finishing the decorating. Ariell's wedding was perfect and I loved going to the temple and being apart of a sealing again. There's just something different when you attend as a wedding, especially when that wedding is for family. Welcome to the family KADEN! Like you already know, the Allred family is the best!
As of late Carter LOVES....
His bus its now where he is about 75% of the day. Not kidding
Hot dogs
Toby- especially when he (toby) is being wild and playing with Shaun
Playing outside
His sandbox
"driving" the truck
Playing chase
Reading books
Riding his dad's four wheeler.
He's not so into...
His carseat
We seriously love everything about that little boy. He's pretty fun.
Also and update on the little girl.
Have I mentioned that I HATE pregnancy? I know some love it and see some amazing magic and beauty in it but....i'm not one of them. This pregnancy has been much harder than Carters but my doctor warned me about that from the beginning. Something about getting pregnant 4 months after I just had one? Ha.... oops. No honestly, it hasn't been too bad at all. I really dont have anything really to complain about and i'm so thankful. We decided this last week that we probably need to get a few things in order and since I have Shaun home for a couple weeks he's getting put to work :) He's doesn't know it yet but this weekend will be full of painting and more painting. Geesh honestly I dont even know what to say about this pregnancy for an update, I really dont pay much attention to it, I dont even know how many weeks I am! I think i'm in the ball park of 32-33 so 8 months along. HA! 8 months???? Wow, i'm rambling we obviously need to shut this thing down. Pretty much what you need to know for an update is, Shaun's work life is CRAZY, like we've seen him 3 weeks since January, crazy. (not including weekends thankfully.) Carter is one, and kind of the favorite around here. And I guess i'm 8 months pregnant... ha whoa.
Love you all! Happy reading!