So its been awhile... a long while since I updated everyone of the happenings of our family!
We are all doing great!
Shaun is working like a crazy man. Its been a really rough year on him as far as the stress of work goes. He is the Marketing Manager for Hay equipment which is AGCO's top products. And he feels the pressure. He's finally getting the hang of it (thanks Dean) and feels much more comfortable. He is back to traveling and usually is home Friday then heads back out Sunday or Monday. Needless to day, Saturday is our FAVORITE day. But he does enjoy it most of the time so we dont complain. Even though he's gone and pulling crazy hours when he is here, I love seeing him happy about work. At work he is launching a few new products and gets (or in his opinion has to, with complete disgust) to do interviews to announce them to the media. I recorded one interview... see

For me, i'm just running this chaos crazed house. Mostly its the choas of Carter. People thought I was crazy for intentionally having my kids only 13 months apart but I absolutely love it! I love how busy it is, how things can go from calm and collected to all hell breaking loose in a matter of seconds. It might not be the best parenting tactic but I secretly love when they both randomly start crying together. What the heck? It makes no sense, and I find it all pretty funny. Something I learned while in the hospital is to savor every minute you get to spend with the kiddos. Being apart from them was the hardest thing. So now, my house is a lot messier than I would like and we dont eat the most gourmet meals, but I am playing and rolling around with Carter on the floor all day, snuggling Brighton every chance I get and literally thanking heaven above that i have the opportunity to be home, to have them both with me at all times! Its the best!

Carter. Gosh we love this kid. He has started to finally say a few words, his favorite is no. or NO NO NO. I think he's actually trying to say Oh No but getting a little hung up. He also says dad (dada) mom (mam), Baby (brighton), Bye (baba), eyes(eyes) nose (nose) and wait for it..... TRACTOR! He loves to climb, run away, and do the hokey pokey. Every morning when I get him out of his crib he puts his finger to his lip and blows out, like you do when when you say shhhh. This is his way of saying where's Brighton? We then walk into the room and he squeals as if he hasn't seen her for years, usually causing her to jump off the bed in fear. Especially since most of the time she is asleep. He LOVES his sister. He wants to hold her all day and walks up every couple minutes to kiss her on the head. I've had to work with him on being soft but he's actually picking it up pretty fast. He does really good with her. Other than dragging her by her feet, flipping her over, or bending her legs up so she does a back roll.... like I said, he's doing great. Ha. Carter is also our fish. He jumps in the water with no fear and drinks gallons of water since he's dunking his face in so much. We's been working on teaching him to swim and he needs a little work on those arm motions but he will kick like a mad man. Surprised? Me either. Those legs never stop moving.

Brighton... baby Brighton. Is doing good too. We are watching her close because she has a rash that just wont go away. Normally thats not a big deal but with cardio babies EVERYTHING is a big deal. Other than that weird thing she is rocking this life thing. She is only the tiniest bit behind physically so we only have to go once a month. She is suppose to still do feeding and speech therapy but the speech... I dont get. 4 months folks, not much speech going on. So we need to talk about that one a little more. The feeding therapy I think is just a precaution in case she has another surgery soon. She has started to roll and I think its all thanks to Carter. Hes always pushing her on to her sides and that forces her to work those muscles. The surgeon was really excited when he found out we had Carter. He said that since they are so close in age she will pretty much have a rope tied to her forcing her to move forward progress. Its true she is forced thats for sure. We also hit the month mark of being home! I have a weird perception of time when it comes to Brighton. I think because we were were in the hospital so much I still see her as a newborn. I kind of worry I'm holding her back a little because I dont expect her to do the things that are developmentally appropriate for her age. I was shocked at PT the other day when he said we need to start working toward her eating solid foods, and sitting up this next month. I also was super excited that she was laughing, I was telling a friend that is crazy she is already, she is way ahead in that way.... then she said "wait isn't she 4 months old?" ha..... riiiight.... I forgot. Overall she is doing GREAT!

A sad thing, we gave away our Toby Joe :( :( With everything that happened and the unknowns of the future we didn't feel we could take care of him like he would like/ demand. when things were wild I didn't miss the psycho one bit not now, I'm feeling it. My puppy! But the good news is we gave him to our neighbors and members of our ward so they let me take him anytime I want. She came over the other day and said, we dont want to hog Toby so we thought you might like some time with him! Right now were in a joint custody situation ;)

We cant begin to tell you how thankful we are for all your love and support the last few months. I received notes from people I haven't talked to in years, and sometimes never met at all wishing us well. Going though the last few months with out all of you would have been MUCH MUCH harder. I am so thankful that we had a village standing behind us when we needed it most. You had our backs, and we are so glad! THANK YOU!