The last month I've been trying to decide what to do with this whole blog I have. Lately its is getting ALOT more attention then I ever planned on. If you don't know already, Shaun and I are from the west (Idaho & Utah) we moved to Georgia right after we were married so, I started this blog to give little updates to family and friends back home. I'm really not a fan of chatting on the phone so this gave me a way to avoid that as well as have something fun to look back on and read. Then Brighton entered our world and people came together to support us. And a lot of that was through this blog, and oddly enough its even starting to get shared around the web.
Here's my dilemma. Do I go back to this being a place where I give the monthly update and no more? Or do I keep writing and sharing the random thoughts like I have been the last couple months? Do I want Brighton's story to become more public? I dont want her or anyone else to focus on her heart defect. But people enjoy reading those things and i've even had a few emails from people I've never met saying how much it touched them or helped them get though a rough day, which is so humbling. I'm not sure what I'll do. I have come to love writing, so there is that. It's kind of a minor decision to everyone but, to me its kind of big.
I posted on IG a few weeks ago that she has had a few updates. I'll go into a little more detail here.
Her having an UTI is super normal and really common. Baby girls get them all the time. But..... that heart. With CHD there is usually an another abnormality somewhere else in the body. Because of this the doc ordered a full work up of tests. They tested her kidneys, did and ultrasound, and then did an x-ray. During the x-ray they found that she has reflux. Again, SUPER common. They decided to put her on an antibiotic that she will take everyday for the next year or so until she outgrows the reflux. Babies usually out grow it by about 1. Because she has the history with infection they want to look into a couple other options but so far she hasn't had any more fevers so I think they will opt to do the antibiotics rather than the little procedure. She has more testing in January to decide what the game plan is.
Out side of all that this girl is the best. She is a very easy baby!
- 6.5 months old!
- 2 teeth popped though this week
- She can sit unassisted
- Rolls all over the house
- Loves to feed herself, wont eat any thing on a spoon from me...but will for others. Weird.
- Sucks at sleeping at night, but its the only time she actually will let me hold her while she sleeps so I'm ok with it.
- Loves to play with Carter
- Must sleep with her blanket.
- Explosive pooper
- Lost all her hair :(
- Mommy's girl and I love it.
- Our perfect little one!