Monday, May 6, 2013

Holy Crap.

What A Week!

I swear we never ever stop! Sometimes i think "gosh, this weekend I just want to sit home and do nothing" then the weekend rolls around and we decided to do EVERYTHING! Its the best really! Who really wants to stay home and be bored? Honestly that would suck.

This last weekend we decided [last minute] to head out to Utah so Shaun could walk for his graduation.  SO SO glad we did  for alot of different reasons!

1. Seeing Shaun walk was awesome, im so proud of him for graduating! He graduated with honors and has been and awesome example to me of how to keep going! He goes for what he wants and will get it because there is no other option. I love how motivated and smart he is!

2. We got to see family and friends. We stopped to meet up with Cody and Lauren and I must say... WE MISS THEM!  We miss having friends that were up for anything and excited to go and do it!  I really miss all the four-wheeler rides and fires along with every other random thing we did on a whim. It was great!

3. We got to see Logan again. Which actually wasn't all that good for us. We so wanted to stay and just run and hide in the mountains. On the way out we pulled off the road to take a few pictures and say our last goodbye. Logan has been awesome to us and both of us have so many memories! Tears were shed as we drove up sardine. We have no idea if will ever be back there. I guess we will to visit my family who is moving there shortly but  thats no where near the same!

4. Totally lit a fire under my butt to get done with school and graduate! Online is sorta annoying and REALLY REALLY expensive so I decided I would just get it done when I could. Now,  there is no way im sticking around for 2 more semesters.. so thats all im going to do! 2 more and im done! 

5. Proved that we really do hate georgia. Ha this was a bad thing... georgia is great but just not where we want to be for the rest of our lives. We do enjoy it now and have a TON OF FUN.  But in a few years we want to move back to where we can see further than 50 ft (trees), 4-wheel, ride horses, and camp easily.  

All in all it was a great weekend and great to get away from all the buzz of the city. 

Oh, We moved into our own apartment and are currently trying to get everything unpacked and livable. I love having our bed and love sac back! 

And, we went under contract with that house! Its a great house so we are crossing our fingers that it goes through, You see, its a short sale which means it could take up to 6 months to get in there if we can at all! So, everyone cross your fingers for the next 3 months ok? 

Happy reading folks! We love you! 

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