As many know Shaun finished his masters in September! Which has be SOOO nice! Well when we originally came to AGCO there was also and offer to work in Twin Falls at Agri-service. But Shaun felt that the best thing would be to come to Georgia, work for AGCO, and get his masters. So thats what we did! Well, since that day Agri-service has mentioned multiple times that as soon as Shaun graduates he's going to work for them. Of course it was flattering but we never really took it TOO seriously. Welp, they weren't kidding. Within days of Shaun's graduation a phone call was made and a few hours later we had a offer. WHOA. Agri-service was so good to work with when it came to negotiations and told us that we could come when we were ready. Who actually says that? Obviously a pretty a great company. Well, we felt we should finish the year up here, get the house ready to sale and accepted the offer for January 15th. We spent many late nights talking about what to do and the decision was probably the most stressful one I've ever made! In the end, wefeel like Idaho is where we should go next! Were excited to move out west but Im actually so sad to leave Georgia, (shocking right) and so sad to leave so much of our independence. BUT I am excited to break out the snowboard again and have fun in the outdoors! So, its a trade off I suppose.
In the middle of trying to get our house on the market and going back and forth with AGCO and Agri-service we took a trip up to Columbus Ohio. Shaun had a farm show there for a few weeks and well... I'm sick of being home alone. So we decided to all pile in the car and drive up together! It was an awesome trip I loved getting to hang out with Shaun most of the day at the show and Carter and Toby both became the crowd favorite.
Then... theres Carter. The one everyone (well family anyways) really wants to hear about. Well, he's out of control. He has became quite the efficient army crawler and can get across the room pretty fast! He has also learned how to reach up and pull things down. If he can reach it, he will eat it. He's also a huge fan of Toby. Anytime that dog walks in the room his legs start kicking a hundred miles an hour and his squeals jump up an octave. Then toby walks away and carter cries. No mercy. He also loves to be held while chasing Toby around the yard. He finds it hilarious and no matter how upset he may be its a sure fire way to get him giggling. Oh and those giggles! He thinks everything is funny and we love it! I love hearing his random giggles from the other room or over the monitor when Shaun is suppose to be putting him to bed :) He also loves food. We found that if we leave it a little chunky he eats it right up. He however loves fries and ice cream more. Can you blame him?
This last week I feel like the boy kicked him energy up a notch, which I didn't know was possible. He has figured out how to push on on his arms and legs and will get in to the crawling position then fling himself forward. No exactly the normal way to crawl but it works, I suppose. The kid also DOESNT STOP moving. Holding him is SUCH a chore. Church and Airplanes are quite literally the worst. I've had a random people I meet say funny things like "I had one like that, he never grew out of it" or "He's sure active isn't he? Good luck" Or a really weird one was "He sure has some energy, you should try chamomile to quite him down" Uh..... what?
Anyways, I'm sorry I haven't updated family for awhile! Bare with us the next few months!
Here's a few pictures!
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On a stake out watching people view our home. |
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Jetson came to visit! |
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Little behind sharing this and that is suppose to say Nursery Rhymes. Oops. |
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