Thursday, August 11, 2016

It's been amazing.

I know that from the last few posts it may seem like our world is completely shattered. And honestly, it was. The last few months have been very hard but we are ok! 

We have SO many blessings in our life, we have 2 perfect kiddos who we love more than anything. Carter is our little light who can take away all our stress with his giggles and jabber. He has been someone I have leaned on more times that I can count. He is a strong little guy and even though this has been wild for him, he hasn't shown it.  He adapts to all the new "babysitters" quickly and hadles Shaun and I being away for days at a time just fine. His little smile and giggle truly light up our worlds, as corny as that sounds. 

We have Brighton. Against the odds, she made it. She is healthy. She is whole. And she is PERFECT! She came to this world to shake us all up and refocus us. And that she did. She taught me more lessons the last few months than I have learned my entire life. She brought our family closer together.

We have our family, our family that spring into action. My mom who dropped everything both times I called and was here the next day. My dad who flew out the crew and was here literally hours after Brighton was diagnosed the stayed till he knew we were ok. Debbie who literally flew across the country 4 times in a week (2 times in one day!) so she could be there for Brighton and for her surgery. Shaun's mom has came both times with a one way ticket and has no plans on leaving until Brighton is in our home and I can finally be with both my kids at the same time! And every other family member who joined us in fast, prayers and lots of tears. We have them. They helped us, they kept us going. 

Then we have our friends we have made here in Georgia. They guys Shaun works with, especially his boss have been more then understanding. A friend of ours who also works closely with Shaun dropped every thing he had planned for Memorial Day weekend to go and run a big even Shaun had planned, because Brighton was having surgery. Our ward has given us more love and support than they could even imagine. They truly are our ward family and I'm not sure what we would do with out them! 

And we have each other. I have Shaun. Shaun held me up when I literally couldn't stand. He has been so in tune with my feelings and knows instantly when I'm about to fall of the edge. He has shown me how much I need him in my life and how lucky I am to have him over and over again. He has juggled a demanding job, a child in the hospital, and emotional wife and a wild toddler with such perfection I truly don't know how it's  been possible. We have grown closer together threw this, and reminded how truly blessed we are.

We are so lucky to have this in our lives. As much as I would give anything to take this burden from Brighton, I'm thankful for it. I truly am. The hardest 3 months of my life have also been some of the most rewarding.

Life is good folks, really hard, but really good. 

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