Sunday, January 1, 2017

I want to...

Each year we sit down and think about what we want to do. This year I actually did that. I never have been into the new year resolutions because I have new Monday resolutions all year long. Not kidding. Buuut I dot have some bigger goals that I want to keep going all year long. 

I want to work on being social again. I did this last year and did pretty good until little sis came along then I lost all desire. I'm not a super social person but Carter is and I do notice I'm happier when I am, even if I have to drag myself out of the door. So. 2 times a week I will seek out a play date or something of the like. 

I will blog more. Mostly I will journal more. Most of these I won't post on Facebook, but I will keep posting the monthly updates. 

I will be organized.

I'll go to the gym and start running again. I miss running. And shaun and I will sign up for more races together. 

I will survive what has the potential to be another hard year for the Allred crew. 

2017, I'm not scared of you. Just kidding I kinda am.