Wednesday, February 6, 2013

 Remember how I said we're married?? Well, we are! Woot! I decided today is the day I would give the recap of the wonderful day. Random fact: I can never for the life of me remember if we were married on the 28th or 29th! Sad right? Ya... I have to ask Shaun EVERY.SINGLE.TIME! Oops.
 That week of was one of craziest weeks of our entire lives! You see, we were married in Draper Utah which is a place where both My family and his lives about 3 hours away from. I didn't want to be married in Idaho Falls because every one I knew from home gets married in IF (go figure) and Shaun doesn't really love the looks of the vernal temple... so... we decided to get married in Draper. Just because we wanted to, and that temple is beautiful! Because we decided to get married there we had to drive down the day before and stay in a hotel. We were up in Idaho spending the week and christmas with my family. It was quite funny my poor sister spent the entire week making signs for our reception and making out cake! She did awesome! Shaun and I wanted to have barn wood frames for our signs so we decided to make those by hand as well. Needless to say we were making these decorations all day wednesday while Kasie and the other girls in my family spent 10 hours yes... 10 HOURS baking the cake.
 Thursday morning we loaded up Shaun's escape with every thing we would need for the next 3 weeks and headed down to SLC. On the way down I realized I didn't have ties for the fathers. REALLY? Thats when we went on a wild chase for a slate blue tie. Come to find out thats a horrible color to find. We found one that would be perfect at sears but of course they only had one in stock. Dang it. So we had the Idaho Falls store call all over utah to find us two more of the same one. Luckily ogden had 2! We took a little detour into Ogden only to find they only had one. I wanted to swear. I was totally cool till this point then I started to get a bit annoyed. We called all the sears stores we could find from Provo to Kaysville. We found one store that had one but we were running our of time. We still had to meet our wedding planner to drop of those wonderful signs that we made! We called Shaun's sister Shayla and begged her to go get the last tie. Just kidding we didn't beg at all... she did it with no hesitation.

Shaun's family was all pretty much in Draper so we decided to head that way and see them at the hotel. Fact: it was already 8:30 by this time. We got there and decided we really wanted to go sit in the hot tup. We slipped on our suits and sprinted to the pool. It was actually really fun, well besides the fact that the pool was FREEZING and Shaun wouldn't let me get out. Literally, every time I would try to swim to the edge to head to the hot tub I would feel a pyton tight grip latch onto my feet and pull to me the deep end again. Rude.  Around 10 o'clock we thought it would probably be o good idea to get out and take me to the hotel where me and my family would be staying. By this time I was so tired I didn't think I would make it to my bed before I passed out.

When I got the the hotel I said bye to Shaun and jumped in the shower, jumped in bed and that was that. I was out!
 The next morning I woke up at 5:00 and waited for Shaun to show up so we could head to get my hair did. Shaun went and grabbed us something to eat while I was at the salon and then we headed back to Sandy. The salon was in American Fork which was 35 minutes from where we were staying and the temple. We got back to the hotel a tad bit behind schedule. I rushed up to the room threw on my dress and met my dad in the foyer so he could take me to the temple. Poor Shaun was even more behind than I was. He had to wait for my brother to come up (he was eating breakfast downstairs) and open his room so shaun could get his suit. Then he had to run back to his hotel and get his dad. For some reason we had to have escorts which in my opinion was really weird. I didn't even see my mom nor shaun his dad until we went into the sealing room. Its Fine. Oh, did I mention Shaun was 20 minuets late?? Ya, he was that late for his OWN WEDDING! Goodness me...

Well, the Sealing was awesome and we even had a very special guest! Best surprise we could have had on our wedding day! LOVED IT! The sealer was actually a really good family friend who also sealed my Kasie (older to sister) to her husband Scott, and Rob (older brother) to his wife Tori. So it was great to have him there for ours as well. He did AWESOME! Ha, I guess I looked really bothered the whole time but thats because the whole entire time i was stressing about having to kiss shaun in front of everyone! Thats a big deal for me people... really big deal. Scary big deal.

We went out side and Froze our booties off taking pictures! But they turned out awesome! I'll post some as soon as I find the CD Kayleigh sent me. It's packed in some box somewhere.

From there we headed to the luncheon which was fun. It was actually really good and Shaun and I both ate our entire plates! We were there for about an hour then headed back to may parents hotel to get out of my stinking dress and see how everything was going to work with Kasie and the cake. After about 30 mins of sitting and watching the news with my brother we decided to head over to see Shaun's family. It was a dang good thing we did too! I completely forgot that we had to be back at the reception center at 5 to take pictures. It was the 4:00 and everyone was taking naps.. OOPS AGAIN....

After a bit of rushed pictures and a little late start the reception was underway and it was a blast! We decided to not have a line.. which I HIGHLY recommend.  I actually got to eat the food and dance! We had an great band that did an amazing job! We had a few friends come down to the reception that we met dancing and they sure kept the party going! The dance are was packed! I loved it, all of it! Best wedding ever!

Even though there were a few oops it all went really smooth and i was surprisingly relaxed the WHOLE DAY! It was awesome!

Yaay, for married life. I sure do love it!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Side note!

Remember how  I said we went and saw Les Mis? Well... I had to write a review about it for a class. Thought I would share my feelings here too.  Enjoy!

After a little searching on the Internet I found a few interesting facts about this movie everyone has ranted and raved about for months. The story of Les Mis starts in 1815 during the French revolution. During this time money was very hard to find and many members of the lower and middle class were out raged. This particular musical has be done and redone hundreds of times all over. I myself grew up listening to my mother sing in the random appearances she would make of Fantine all around Idaho in the various Les Mis productions.  Even though this movie has brought in over a million dollars at the box office, I feel it was not something I would ever care to see again.
There were many reasons I, myself didn’t enjoy the movie. But, the main one was I thought that the music was nothing compared to what I grew up listening to. I felt that Hathaway botched “I dreamed a dream” and that Russell Crowe had a surprisingly good voice, but not what I had hoped for. But on the contrary I did feel that Samantha Barks and Amanda Seyfried did a wonderful job. They were strong in their roles and their voices matched exactly to what I imagined.
I have never seen this musical live and I can’t decide if I want to or not. Like I said, I love the music but hated most everything else about it. A few parts even made me laugh is awe of how awkward and weird the scene really was. The “whore house” (not knowing what to really call it) was so weird that my jaw dropped and I constantly went from looking at the screen to my husband to see if he was seeing the same thing I was. The scene with Santa? Really? Was that needed? What the heck?
There was a few scenes that I did fell were extremely strong and for the split 5 seconds, actually enjoyed the show.  The opening scene sent chills down my spine. And I loved the scene where the boys were in the firefight and the youngest boy was shot and killed. So, there were a few good things I can say about the production but not many.
In the end, we walked out of the theater, my dad asked what we thought, and when I said: “that was the dumbest movie of all time” my family became immediately disappointed. Oops. The rest loved it and felt that all the actors did a wonderful job. My sister-in-law even got a bit defensive about the whole thing and refused to hear any more negative comments about such a great show. Blah.  In my opinion, if they ever make this movie again…hire my mom, fire Hathaway, skip the awkward scenes and maybe and a few lines where they actually talk!  Then I would enjoy myself.

Oh look, glee can sing better than Anne Hathaway... oh, just kidding... but I do like it a lot better.

And... for the record, Shaun hated it too.